
Tax returns

Private in­di­vidu­als and busi­ness cus­tom­ers have one thing in com­mon – many find tax re­turns too com­plic­ated or too time-con­sum­ing to com­plete them­selves. What’s more, pro­fes­sion­al solu­tions offer the ad­vant­age of being able to ex­ploit any po­ten­tial for tax sav­ings. Thanks to our net­work, our cus­tom­ers be­ne­fit from hol­ist­ic ad­vice and leg­ally com­pli­ant tax re­turn solu­tions. Our ser­vices nat­ur­ally in­clude the re­view of all tax as­sess­ments – es­pe­cially for cross-bor­der com­muters. Cross-bor­der com­muters are also sub­ject to tax­a­tion in Switzer­land: the so-called with­hold­ing tax. Em­ploy­ers must de­duct this tax from the salary and pay it dir­ectly to the tax au­thor­it­ies. Since the tax and so­cial se­cur­ity con­sequences can be very com­plex, it is ad­vis­able to seek ad­vice from a law firm spe­cial­ising in this area. Thanks to spe­cial­ised part­ner com­pan­ies, we also have the ne­ces­sary ex­pert­ise for this.

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