
Succession arrangements

We know that your own com­pany is usu­ally the res­ult of an en­tire life’s work, and it should be placed in trust­worthy and cap­able hands. Ad­equately plan­ning suc­ces­sion can mean the on­go­ing suc­cess, or the fail­ure, of a com­pany. In ad­di­tion to choos­ing a suc­cessor, it’s also ne­ces­sary to take com­pre­hens­ive pre­par­a­tion meas­ures, en­sure a smooth han­dover and an­swer any tax and so­cial se­cur­ity ques­tions that arise; in par­tic­u­lar, le­git­im­ate heirs in the fam­ily could make a claim to the busi­ness, which can com­plic­ate suc­ces­sion ar­range­ments. And, nat­ur­ally, busi­ness own­ers want to main­tain their own stand­ard of liv­ing after step­ping down and en­sure that they have no fin­an­cial wor­ries even after their time in the com­pany is over.

Our succession
planning services

  • Situation analysis of all relevant aspects
  • Determining possible alternative courses of action
  • Checking the succession arrangements to ensure they can be implemented properly
  • Finding a suitable successor
  • Preparing for and planning the process
  • Initiating restructuring measures
  • Implementing all financial, fiscal and legal requirements
  • Involving an external coach for inter-family issues that relate to psychological issues
  • Opportunities for asset restructuring
  • Formation of a takeover company
  • Company liquidation
  • Tax burden in case of transfer to non-direct descendants
  • etc.

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