
Payroll administration

As a res­ult of di­git­al­isa­tion, the la­bour mar­ket is chan­ging and work­ing con­di­tions are be­com­ing more and more com­plex. With this, the re­quire­ments for em­ploy­ers are chan­ging when it comes to com­ply­ing with legal ob­lig­a­tions for pro­cessing salary pay­ments and doc­u­ment­a­tion to en­sure that no sur­prises emerge dur­ing audits by tax and so­cial se­cur­ity au­thor­it­ies. More and more of our cus­tom­ers are there­fore be­ne­fit­ing from our payroll ad­min­is­tra­tion and payroll ac­count­ing ser­vices. By out­sourcing these tasks, many com­pan­ies save on per­son­nel re­sources, have no is­sues with hol­i­day ab­sences and can con­cen­trate on their day-to-day busi­ness. Our ex­perts handle payroll ac­count­ing in a high-qual­ity and timely man­ner. We provide sup­port to com­pan­ies of every size and from every in­dustry. We un­der­stand that payroll ac­count­ing is a del­ic­ate area, and so we nat­ur­ally guar­an­tee the highest level of dis­cre­tion.

Our payroll
administration services:

  • Preparing monthly payroll statements
  • Administration and declaration of withholding tax for employees
  • Preparing annual official and compulsory payroll statements for tax purposes
  • Conclusion and administration of social security contracts
  • Drawing up employment contracts
  • Obtaining binding expense regulations
  • Managing payroll accounting for national and international companies
  • Advice on all social security issues
  • Payroll administration
  • Training your staff in the area of payroll
  • Supporting and assisting with social security audits
  • etc.

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