
Inheritance, estate
and gift payments

As we get on in age, ques­tions in­ev­it­ably arise around our last will and test­a­ment. We un­der­stand that in­her­it­ance law is a highly sens­it­ive and very per­son­al area. Due to the com­plex­ity of in­her­it­ance law and the many opin­ions on how to ad­min­is­ter or dis­trib­ute the es­tate, this topic is prone to dis­putes. We provide em­path­et­ic and pro­fes­sion­al sup­port in this area, which we en­cour­age you to call upon. Not only do we work with you to an­swer the ques­tion of wheth­er a will is ne­ces­sary at all, we also as­sist you in draw­ing up a will so that form­al re­quire­ments are ob­served.

Our inheritance

  • Will advice
  • Estate planning
  • Advice on inheritance agreements
  • Waiving an inheritance
  • Contesting a will
  • Answering questions about the order of succession
  • Checking an inheritance
  • Checking the formal requirements for a will
  • Acting as the will executor
  • Advice on and preparation of advance directives
  • Advice on inheritance and gift taxes
  • Appointing heirs to the estate
  • Legacy or bequest
  • Family foundations
  • Inheritance advances
  • Gifts
  • Mixed gifts
  • etc.

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