
Financial and business

Fin­an­cial and busi­ness ac­count­ing is in­stru­ment­al to any busi­ness. Thanks to our ex­pert­ise, we can offer a com­pre­hens­ive pack­age that takes care of the en­tire ac­count­ing pro­cess, mean­ing no stress for you. We re­lieve you of fin­an­cial and busi­ness ac­count­ing tasks and handle your ac­counts pay­able and re­ceiv­able. And, of course, we also handle li­quid­ity plan­ning to en­sure solvency and ad­vise on and pre­pare fin­an­cial state­ments so that our cus­tom­ers have a solid basis for their cor­por­ate strategy de­cisions. And be­cause di­git­al­isa­tion does not stop at ac­count­ing, we also provide soft­ware sys­tems through our net­work, en­abling cost-ef­fect­ive and ef­fi­cient book­keep­ing and ac­count­ing solu­tions. Data se­cur­ity is guar­an­teed. This al­lows com­pan­ies to con­cen­trate on their core com­pet­en­cies and out­source time-con­sum­ing and cost-in­tens­ive ac­count­ing tasks.

Our accounting

  • Setting up accounting
  • Accounting training
  • Preparing interim financial statements
  • Creating budgets
  • Drawing up investment plans
  • Preparing consolidated financial statements
  • Votes
  • Accounting reviews
  • etc.

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